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Welcome to the wiki for my sound design work! - Garnet

You are welcome to participate in the wiki. If you need any help with how or what to contribute, please let me know at

Here is a list of musicians and groups who have inspired me.

List of great videos that show techniques, and documentaries. Also some music related videos recently watched.

Notes On Music Software that I use.

Modules I am developing for GSD Modules For Voltage Modular

Notes on gear that I currently own. My MPC sound inventory. My music todo list.

I now have a Yamaha DX7, and a Yamaha DX7IIFD with Grey Matter E! Card, and a Yamaha TX816 Midirack and an assortment of cartridges. I am working to learn how to create new patches for the DX7. My notes on Yamaha equipment, including the DX7.

Sources Sampled Instruments

You can also visit my main site at for articles, drone photography, editorials, etc.

Places I post my productions:

My new music log book: fb link

Discussing music with ChatGPT:

  • listing - listing of music genres, with details about some
  • fb post: FB link - Tonight I have been asking ChatGPT for its thoughts on a wide range of music topics. It has given a lot of details on ambient music, given details on how to generate Tangerine Dream style music, suggested how to create several unique beats, given the secrets for creating reggae rhythms, how to create happy and ominous music, and also how to generate chinese music and rhythms and Indian ragas and talas.

* ai

* sound chips


Favorite Music Videos

Fart noises

soundpak of ARP odyssey sounds - $25 - compatible with variety of samplers -

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/29 11:12 by thegarnet